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  What Windows 7 Can Do For You
By Emile Franks

Windows 7 is the newest operating system on the market. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that it is also the most technologically advanced as well. Many people had a bad taste left in their mouth after the catastrophe that was Vista. However, Microsoft has truly redeemed them selves with Windows 7. It has many great features and as it says it really does make using a computer simpler.

The most talked about feature with Windows 7 is the way that you can have different windows open at once and actually work on them. This is great news for people who have had to use dual monitors to accomplish this in the past. That is not to say that it has made dual monitors obsolete, just that it has made it possible to do the same tasks with one monitor now. However, there are also a few other ways you can manipulate your windows with this new operating system. Windows 7 also has the shake and Peek features as well. With the shake, if you have many windows open and want to view just one, all you have to do is click on the window and shake your mouse. This will make all the other windows go away so you can focus on what you need to. With the Peek feature you can two things. If you point your mouse at the bottom right of the task bar, you will be able to see your desktop and any hidden icons you may have. Or you can move your cursor over a window and it will make all the other windows on top of it transparent so you can see the window you want and get the information you need off of it. With this you should also know that Microsoft has changed the taskbar on Windows 7 as well. You can now rearrange the programs on your taskbar to put them in the order that best suits you. You can even program your favorites to come in a certain order.

Another one of the many great features that Windows 7 has to offer is the enhanced media center. You will have the Play to feature. This allows you to play your favorite shows or music on your networked computers, TVs and even stereos using the new Media Player 12. This can eliminate the need for have to hook up extra cables to be able to watch programs on your TV. You can also access your media library from any other computer, meaning you still have access to all your media when you are away. These are just a couple of the many features that make Windows 7 possibly the best operating system available. No matter what you are trying to do with your computer, Windows 7 will truly make it simpler. It takes the headache out of using a computer and makes it so even a novice can use the system with ease. Hopefully this will make people forget about the Vista mishap.

Emile is an article writer who's interests include travel and technology. To see more articles written by Emile please visit Bamboo Bedding including the latest review on Bamboo Towels


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